Shenandoah County Search, Inc.
News from the group home
The News From Robin’s Nest

Robin Tull, the longtime administrator of the SEARCH Group Home, is retiring.
In her 16 years as head of the roost, she has kept the residents safely under her wings and led her flock of assistants to provide a nurturing nest.
She was honored on Monday at a retirement luncheon, attended by her family, residents, staff, store volunteers and other valued members of the SEARCH community.
Robin has not completely flown the coop. She will continue offering guidance as a member of the board of directors. Lisa Williams is the new administrator.
Please send your retirement wishes to Robin. Welcome Lisa in her new role as leader of the flock. And consider volunteering at the Thrift Shop!
Ho Ho Ho: Scott, Harlan, Steven, Amos, Carrie, Amanda, Heather and Samantha pose for a group photo with Santa in matching shirts.